Fill in this form and then Send us a Message on Facebook (About/Send Message). Watch the instructions video, then follow this link to create the campaign.


First of all, anyone can start a new fundraising campaign. This being said, you may want to join an existing campaign for your favorite city/hospital, if one exists already. Please check the list of existing groups on Facebook (Suceava, Cluj, Brasov, Mures, Salaj, Arges, Dolj, Valcea, etc.), or our website listing.

To start a new fundraising campaign, you need to fill in this form and then contact us (click "Send Message" on our Facebook page).

Watch the instructions video. Then, click here to create the campaign:

When you decide the target of  your Facebook campaign, we would like to clarify a few things:

We cannot control what equipment is being purchased with the funds collected by you. We only offer the platform for the funds to be raised. Our partner organizations in Romania will do their best to direct the funds raised by you through our platform towards the equipment needed to support the hospital/doctors in the city/county of your choice. For better transparency, we suggest to include a disclaimer similar to the one below in your fundraising description:

“Thank you for your willingness to help out in this fight against Covid-19. We want to make it clear that the funds raised through the Romanian United Fund will be sent to its partners in Romania who will take care of purchasing whatever is needed for the hospitals and other related expenses in the fight against Covid-19. They will do their best that the equipment and materials purchased reach the chosen city/county, but that greatly depends on their their teams’ time and availability and the local needs in real time.”

Disclaimer: Romanian United Fund is a 501(c)3 nonprofit, limited by US laws, and we are acting internationally, which means we have other limitations related to compliance, anti-money laundering, anti-terrorism. As such, we can only work with a limited set of partners. All funds raised by RUF will be directed to Romania through one of our partners, verified NGOs, based on existing contracts.

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