Hope And Homes For Children Romania

A house and a family for every child!
We dream of the day when there will be no orphanage in Romania. And not just dreaming, but acting. Our mission is to close down all orphanages in Romania, until 2026 and to reform the child protection system.

A house and a family for every child!

Attachment, love, individual attention and stimulation are essential for every child. The lack of love and attachment, the lack of stimulation and individual attention that any child needs, have catastrophic effects. Orphanages deprive children of what they need most to grow, affection.

Our vision is that of a world in which no child will live the nightmare of institutionalization.

In Romania, in 2000, over 100,000 children lived in orphanages. Today, there are less than 4,800 children in Romanian institutions. In our 22 years of activity in Romania, we closed down 58 orphanages, moving almost 6,000 children to family environments. We have always tried to reintegrate them in their natural or extended families, where they are best. For those who could not return to the family, we built 110 family-type houses, where we integrated a maximum of 12 children, giving them the chance to live a life as similar as possible to life in an ordinary family. The years we spent with the children in the orphanages helped us to discover a second drama that they live, once they get out of the care of the state: the abandonment of society and the impossibility to integrate. This is how our socio-professional integration program appeared, meant to help these youngsters regain their independent living. 1672 young people have been in the care of our social workers so far. We dream of the day when there will be no orphanage in Romania. And not just dreaming, but acting. Our mission is to close down all orphanages in Romania, until 2026 and to reform the child protection system.

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